Our Philosophy

Every visit to our villages unveils a society that is fundamentally unequal - where women remain bound to their domestic, unable to dream a life of freedom. Where will is curbed, choices are limited and aspirations go unnamed. This society falls into a cycle of inequalities that Indian women fight every day. A lack of agency, access, education, legal recourse, healthcare, and safety, all play into the generation-old social, cultural and financial inequality of women in India.

Central to this inequalities is a lack of financial agency. Indian women have a strikingly low representation in the workforce, and to truly close gender gaps in work and society, 4 categories must be focused on equality in work, essential services and enablers of economic opportunity, legal protection and political voice, and physical security and autonomy.

Central to our philosophy is exactly this - a 360-degree approach to tackling gender inequality, and with a focus on empowering them to become financially independent.

Our vision is to create a world where women have access to equal economic opportunities and are empowered to make their own decisions, contributing to a more just and sustainable society.



Our mission is to promote economic independence for women in India through a 360-degree approach that includes training, skill development, and community engagement. We aim to establish physical centers that offer a range of services to women, including vocational training, financial literacy, and mentorship. Our goal is to create a supportive environment that empowers women to take charge of their lives and achieve their full potential.